In The Media

What’s In A Brand?
Mel joins Pam Perry’s Speaker PR & Branding Clubhouse for a group chat about what’s in a brand and how to position yourself to brand and build well.

Mel Mills To Compete For Mr. Health & Fitness 2022
Mel Mills joins Muscle & Fitness’ Mr. Health & Fitness 2022 competition.

Christians and Profanity (What the $%&!)
Mel joins Lionshare’s Wisdom Unlocked podcast to discuss the different spheres of friendship in our lives.

Spheres of Friendship
Mel joins Lionshare’s Wisdom Unlocked podcast to discuss the different spheres of friendship in our lives.

Ministry of Availability
Mel joins Lionshare’s Wisdom Unlocked podcast to discuss the ministry of availability.

National Disciple Making Forum 2021
Mel recently shared in a panel discussion with Lionshare’s Dave Buehring and Heather Zemple on Hot Topics: Discipling Your Flock To Handle The Issues of The Day, at the 2021 National Disciple Making Forum in Brentwood, TN.

The Pacing of Jesus
Mel joins Lionshare’s Wisdom Unlocked: The Ways of God podcast to discuss living and working at the pacing of Jesus.

Mel joined Londen Washington from M.O.G.U.L. TV to discuss Gen Z and current world events, and how we as believers should respond.